Nikolay’s Butcher Knife
OWNER: Nikolay Moranichov
DESCRIPTION: An ordinary household butcher knife that Nikolay has sharpened daily, regardless if it’s being used or not. Like Hinagiku’s Hisabafuru, he uses it for almost everything in daily; skinning Nafha fishes, dicing meat, carving wooden fork, until tearing bandage or any cloth for medical purpose. This is also Nikolay’s main blade for self-defense (and offense, in the past where he used to neglect his mirroring injury from Synesthesia).
The wooden hilt leaves a criss-crossing scratchy trace from Nikolay’s beastial fangs when he’s wielding it for combat purpose as a grey beast Shapeshifter.
This was the blade that Anastasia Moranichin used to prevent her ten-years-old son for being killed by a Yotokai bearer, Fuzuwara Akari. It became a sentimental object, and since then Nikolay carries it around faithfully even though the older he gets, the less his butcher knife is used for combat purpose.