ISI KEPALA HENFU, in Indonesian, means inside Henfu’s Head. This is a space basically depicting my chaotic brain wires itching to pour creativity, mostly in creative writing. It contains my webnovels and short stories in two different languages: English and Indonesian. But sometimes I’m just nerding about books and manga I read or my notebooks collection.

Or sometimes, just about life itself, as chaotic as the inside of my head. Or is the chaos in my head that leads to a chaotic life of this?

My Webnovels


about Raudha Henfu

I’m always searching for a flame of hope when life is going to the meaningless dark void.

More ordinary introduction, though: Hello! I’m an Indonesian who has been living in Germany for a decade. Currently working in a part-time job so I can pay some bills and buy notebooks and writing supplies — and sometimes books, if the public library doesn’t have any. And for the rest of the day I spend myself inside my wonderland writing novels.

Besides writing and reading, I like listening to music and taking a walk around the city. I do photography but in amateurish way; only using my smartphone camera for a simplicity reason. If my social mood demands me to go outside from my head for a moment, I’ll contact my friends and acquaintances to drag them in culinary hunting or enjoying good cocktails, or just exploring new cities while drinking Boba.

But yeah, I’m mostly a hermit who likes to spend inside my head. And figuring out my chaotic life.

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